
A Day in the Life at Nursery 

8:30am – Our day begins, and we catch up with all our friends, before our morning welcome activities and funky fingers!  

9am – We are ready to start our fun and enriching activities! No day is ever the same, with Forest School, PE, Dough Disco, Baking, and Spanish being some activities offered, adding variety to our days!

10am – We’ve worked up quite an appetite by now! It’s snack time with our friends, before settling down for story time. We then go out to play in our playground, where we get to ride bikes and scooters, and work on our climbing skills.

11:30am – We take part in Maths and Phonics lessons every day, before we go to wash our hands, ready for our favourite part of the day!

11:50am – Time for lunch! We love seeing the nutritious options offered every day, whilst we share our stories with the dinner ladies and teachers. After we’ve filled our tummies, it’s free flow, where we get to play and take part in all sorts of fun activities with our friends, and we can go into Reception class too!

1:30pm – Let’s get active! It’s movement time with activities such as Yoga and Dance.

2:00pm – From there it’s either a Maths or Phonics lesson, depending on which one we did before lunch.

End of the day – We all wind down with a healthy snack and reflection of the day, whilst listening to a relaxing story. Our Mums and Dads come to collect us at 3:30pm, ready to hear all about our action-packed day, before another exciting day tomorrow!