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Forest School

Our children love Forest School and really enjoy embracing the great outdoors.

Our Nursery children benefit from the sheer variety of exciting outdoor areas as well as a chance to connect with the natural world. Outdoor learning is at the core of our curriculum, as we believe that it is one of the most important companions in children’s growth and development.

Children’s learning can reach a new level at Sherrardswood through the implementation of a wide range of activities which cannot be done in classrooms. Some activities involve den building, swinging on rope swings, egg hunts, and developing navigation skills through looking at maps, following clues, and completing treasure hunts.

Did You Know?

Forest School encourages exploration, teamwork, and problem solving, as well as having fun! It helps to build creativity, confidence, and independence, offering a refreshing change of pace from the traditional classroom setting. Research has shown that children’s academic attainment, social development, and emotional well-being increased because of Forest School!