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Reception had a great first week back to school after the Easter break. We have enjoyed hearing about all the fun and special things they got up to during their time away from school. In phonics, they have started learning the phase 5 sounds. This week we have learnt the ‘ay’ sound found in play, stray, and crayon. This is the second sound in this ‘family’ of sounds as we had previously learnt the ‘ai’ sound found in rain, train and Spain. 

We have also learnt the ‘ou’ sound found in mouth, sound and house. This is also the second sound in this ‘family’ of sounds as we had previously learnt the ‘ow’ sound found in owl, cow and crown. 
In maths we have recapped counting in 2’s and 10’s. We are referring to this as both ‘counting in’ and the 2 times tables. We spent a couple of lessons on finding one and two less of a number, then one and two more of a number.

We have tried to make the most of the wonderful sun and took a trip up to the Trim Trail on Wednesday afternoon. The children created some wonderful Spring art work on Thursday. These are proudly presented on our classroom wall.
